Friday, March 7, 2008

WIP update

Well...I've decided that I'm truly impressed with myself. My American Flag Afghan is nearing completeion. I have 25 more stars to make. After that I'll sew them on. Put a pretty white border around the whole thing, then wash it. I have about 7 days to get all of this accomplished. Please, keep your fingers crossed. If I don't get it done on time, I'm going to end up having to mail it...and that will end up costing me a small fortune....although it would make a nice Christmas gift...I think I'd rather just give the Afghan to Johnny before he leaves for Fort Carson. So in honor of my darling baby brother in law joining the Army and graduating AIT and all that good stuff I have some pictures I'd like to post here today. They are of patriotic nature so if that offends you then I suggest you leave and not come back.

And now, to honor my darling hubby.....I have a few more pics...

And finally...a pic of my WIP


WildernesFamily said...

Wow, your WIP is BEAUTIFUL! I hope you post a photo of the final product. I'm sure your BIL is going to treasure it.

Lacey said...

Thank you so very much. It's finally finished!! the stars didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, but I think he'll enjoy it anyway. I learned a few things in the process so the next one I do will have a couple changes where the stars are concerned.